While international travel has yet to rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic, experts say travel interest and trip planning is starting to take off again.
Numerous items to cross off your checklist while making travel plans. Determining airline requirements as well as vaccination rates, testing and self-isolation requirements of the country you want to travel to are the first points on the checklist.
You don’t want to get to a second airport and find out that the airline won’t even let you on. The federal government’s website is a good source of information.
Also you'll want to ensure the vaccines you’ve received are accepted in your destination country.
If you’ve got double vaccinated, which many countries are going to be requiring, have you got vaccinations of the same kind? Because some countries are going if (you) have an AstraZeneca (and) Pfizer as a second shot, it doesn’t count.
In addition, you’ll also want to do homework on accommodations. What are the cleaning protocols of the hotel chain, property you’re going to be staying at? Because that becomes pretty important at some point in time.
The home-sharing seems to allow people to walk in, (do) their own cleaning if they want to do so, and not run in to as many people.
The checklist for travelling between provinces in Canada is much shorter, you’ll still want to take extra precaution.