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All Incoming Air Travellers To Be Tested At Airport, Except From U.S.

On Tuesday afternoon, Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos held a press conference announcing additional testing requirements as a result of the Omicron variant.

All air travellers coming into Canada from all countries except for the U.S. will require a negative COVID-19 test upon landing. This requirement also applies to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

No date was provided as to the implementation of the new testing program.

Fully vaccinated travellers will be required to “quarantine while they await the results of their arrival test.”

Unvaccinated travellers with right of entry to Canada will continue to be tested on arrival and day 8 and quarantine for 14 days. Unvaccinated travellers arriving by air will now be required to stay in a designated quarantine facility or “other suitable location” while they await the result of their on arrival test.

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